orang orok bahasa Inggris
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- A total of 144 Oroks live in Val.
Sebanyak 144 orang Orok tinggal di Val. - The total number of Oroks in Russia, according to the 2002 Russian Census, is 346 people.
Menurut Sensus Rusia 2002, total jumlah orang Orok di Rusia adalah 346 orang. - Most of the Oroks are concentrated in three settlements – Poronaysk, Nogliki and the village of Val, Nogliksky District.
Kebanyakan orang Orok terkonsentrasi di tiga pemukiman – Poronaysk, Nogliki dan desa Val, Distrik Nogliksky. - Oroks also live on the island of Hokkaido in Japan, but the number of speakers is uncertain, and certainly small.
Orang Orok juga tinggal di pulau Hokkaido, Jepang, namun jumlah pemakainya tidak jelas, dan cenderung sedikit. - According to the 2002 Russian census there were 346 Oroks living in Russia, of whom 64 were competent in Orok.
Menurut Sensus Rusia 2002, terdapat 346 orang Orok yang tinggal di Rusia, 64 orang diantaranya handal dalam bahasa Orok.